Synonym of free handedness


The state or quality of being munificent or generous
bountifulness bounty liberality generosity munificence philanthropy benevolence largesse charity unselfishness generousness openhandedness charitableness largess bigheartedness openheartedness magnanimity bounteousness magnanimousness unsparingness big-heartedness beneficence altruism kindness goodness hospitality heart high-mindedness great-heartedness alms-giving large-heartedness all heart lavishness free giving nobleness readiness profusion open-handedness free-handedness princeliness compassion indulgence selflessness humanity consideration kindliness goodwill humaneness grace clemency sympathy self-sacrifice tolerance benignancy kind-heartedness thoughtfulness benignity tenderness decency understanding helpfulness kindheartedness nobility mercy good-heartedness fellow feeling pity leniency almsgiving friendliness warmheartedness softheartedness gentleness forgiveness self-denial cordiality neighbourliness feeling graciousness tender-heartedness warm-heartedness humanitarianism neighborliness good will warmth care affection concern compassionateness liberalness love commiseration lenience forbearance amiability ruth tenderheartedness largeheartedness favour favor mercifulness aroha social conscience brotherly love philanthropism lenity benefaction virtue prodigality patience greatheartedness quarter affectionateness considerateness courteousness public-spiritedness mildness sweetness charitability public spirit good-fellowship friendship amity brotherhood cordialness fellowship tact soft-heartedness good intention fellow-feeling gift comity inner beauty lifesaver relief chivalry fairness turn boon service courtesy dispensation accommodation welcome conviviality hospitableness sociability geniality congeniality amicability amenability abundance heartiness warm reception caritas richness agape guestfriendliness openness affability sociableness guestfriendship companionship obligingness reception cheer comradeship good cheer largeness copiousness amplitude superabundance profuseness plentifulness opulence plenteousness infinity inexhaustibility

Antonym of free handedness

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