Synonym of light bulb moment


An act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact
realization awareness understanding comprehension consciousness recognition apprehension perception appreciation cognizance cognisance conception enlightenment grasp imagination achievement apperception awakening discernment knowledge wariness insight knowingness mindfulness sensibility aha moment grip sense cognition percipience idea assimilation regard familiarity judgment acknowledgement acquaintance notice observance hold impression acknowledgment attention judgement heed ken notion observation perceptiveness sentience concept interpretation consideration belief responsiveness intuition perceptivity take alertness apprehending picture familiarity with estimation concern ear assessment advertence advertency thought eye heedfulness command acceptance admission insight into concession vision acquaintance with acumen feeling realizing attentiveness attitude light recognizance sensitivity sympathy allowance granting respect conceding information valuation confession esteem view wisdom appraisal inkling vigilance mastery avowal sensitiveness realising note intellection erudition recognisance experience decipherment image care sapience acquaintanceship sageness sagaciousness intelligence education perspicacity schooling uptake conceit plan expertise aesthetic sense know-how sight wit penetration sentiment bearing self-awareness self-understanding wakefulness knowledgeableness witfulness carefulness thanks gratefulness appreciativeness gratitude sensitivity to handle anticipation suspicion indication suggestion greater understanding comprehensive understanding better understanding enhanced understanding improved understanding superior understanding sensibility to commendation admiration liking relish enjoyment love affection attraction evidence aha capacity ability prehension hint intimacy authority sensation ability to understand expertness intellect prudence scholarship worldliness learning shrewdness astuteness cleverness mind proficiency double take slow take reading viewpoint study thankfulness cunning learnedness ingeniousness smarts sagacity savviness visualisation slant taste approach opinion proficiency in absorption expertise in digestion visualization discrimination skill skill in tuition knowing firm grasp grapple good judgment intimacy with flash clear thinking conversance with common sense knowing inside out high regard big idea brain wave abstraction corroboration profession theory hypothesis ratification affirmation declaration admitting acquiescence concurrence assent asservation confirmation assertion accession allowing compliance conceptualization cogitation establishing detection perceiving identifying acknowledging distinguishing differentiation noticing fancy postulation rejoinder yielding generality generalization representation clue stereotype verifying discovery model apprehension of deliberation understanding of grasp of comprehension of speculation version command of awareness of realization of cognizance of knowledge of musing perception of conception of mastery of ken of design meditation imagining dream self-confession agreement with respect for approval of concurrence with acquiescence in cooperation with cogitating envisaging philosophizing fancying meditating considering exposition generalisation philosophising conceptualisation mind's eye mental grasp realisation point of view thinking perspective way of thinking persuasion outlook position mindset angle stance standpoint supposition conviction frame of mind philosophy presumption inference inclination conclusion feel ideas contemplation deduction reasoning thoughts explanation verdict leaning vantage point disposition assumption standing examination analysis mental picture conjecture orientation construal stand evaluation bias scrutiny premise predilection identification clarification context inspiration reaction determination convictions prospect prejudice proclivity feelings sentiments construct bent way of looking diagnosis headset interest account where one is at mood presentiment fantasy aspect inspection resolution surveillance excogitation preconception vagary caprice mentality translation construction presupposition elucidation signification hunch accepted wisdom predisposition side fool notion mental image mental vision mental visualization prognosis reflection ascertainment frame of reference calculation thoughtfulness expectation temperament receptivity school of thought way of looking at things mental representation mind-set twist eye view turn of mind meaning treatment construing spotting connotation atmosphere aura rumination focus curiosity formula finding definition notions contention characterization posture theorem reverie pondering intimation phantasm noting vibe vein partiality policy line of thinking brainchild wrinkle inquisitiveness rationality look glimpse thesis smelling sensing tasting message revelation engrossment enthrallment immersion tune watchfulness two cents worth broad view overview value judgment theme riff variation color colour consensus premonition shoes say so mulling over faculty instruction edification reason mental acquisitiveness inquiring mind nosiness mark need tingle hallucination dreaming illusion nightmare conscious thought compassion personal feeling prediction principle recollection tickle prickle function affinity rapport aspiration rationalization rationalisation idée fixe objective intention thing worry motivation contrivance intent manner way guess trust ideology commiseration emotion kinesthesia communion concord pity illumination teaching vibes semblance fashion survey monitoring review decision acuity projection estimate forecast surmise surmising acceptation faith receptiveness empathy warmth indulgence funny feeling sneaking suspicion setting framework gut reaction watching sensory faculty fellow feeling paradigm direction situation being on same wavelength awareness of the feelings of others cottoning to an aha moment investigation out-of-body experience sequence of images sixth sense scope hue guise complexion appearance psychology psyche viewing scrutinization head trip sweven temper deliverance divination settlement consequence ruling solution verification establishment call award surveying perusal persona personality character measurement result resolve induction sequitur eduction fixing purpose state of mind supervision mind set recognising cast of mind probe makeup mental attitude overlook cast make-up recognizing way someone's mind works touch once-over check taction tactility contact reflex sensuality titillation innervation pleasure activity motility excitability pain excitation tangibility excitement motor response sense of touch tactile sense

Antonym of light bulb moment

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