Synonym of loving kindness


Feelings of love or deep affection
tenderness affection love fondness devotion warmth feeling attachment sentiment emotion devotedness crush intimacy adoration like amour adulation sentimentality lovingness romance emotionalism soft spot care passion regard liking closeness friendship affinity respect familiarity endearment ardour friendliness reverence desire amity ardor aroha warm feelings kindness warmness worship admiration fervor fervour flame partiality weakness shine amore caring belovedness lust heat chord infatuation intensity taste relish idolatry appreciation involvement inclination case allegiance enjoyment piety delight enchantment rapture zeal cherishing fidelity bond ardency wuv attraction relationship predilection luv hankering yen affection for liking for affinity for regard for love for reverence for respect for admiration for high regard sentiment for intimacy with fondness for relationship with feeling for tenderness for friendship with confidentiality togetherness understanding rapport chumminess close relationship belonging companionship nearness inseparability comradeship goodwill attentiveness favour favor palliness fraternization mateyness confidence close association concern solicitude close friendship fellow feeling inwardness acquaintance communion experience fraternisation mutual affection close attachment good will strong fondness puppy love deference enthusiasm devoutness esteem fealty estimation devotement dedication spirituality faithfulness approval obsession constancy consecration service observance adherence approbation religiousness sanctity fancy praise excitement earnestness piousness sincerity affectivity fixation veneration account pietism honour keenness religiosity honor religionism commendation amorousness acclaim recognition homage fascination craze preference good opinion reaction sensation response laudation mania blessing grace loyalty awe besottedness benevolence imprimatur appetite enamoredness captivation spirit yearning strong interest use idolization zest extolment feelings fetish consideration astonishment amazement glorification kind regard energy deification pash obeisance great respect mash exuberance vengeance vigor ecstasy animation vehemence gusto vigour valuing prizing susceptibility high opinion vivaciousness purposefulness verve zestfulness strong emotion purpose fanaticism sanctimoniousness allurement moe urge drive thirst hunger ache craving appetence eroticism sex concupiscence amativeness glory faith high esteem dulia affect exaltation worshipping aching doting hots acknowledgement acknowledgment support commitment hero-worship lionization the hots apotheosis obsequiousness fear genuflection bow prostration acclamation worshiping lionisation religious fervor religious observance steadfastness religious zeal virtue penchant treasuring tribute kudos pat on the back positive reception torch applause surprise wonder intense love propensity bias proclivity preoccupation pleasure beguin sexual love emotions tributes compliments thing hang-up prejudice addiction leaning romantic feelings love affair passing fancy calf love wonderment plaudits accolades marveling marvelling deep affection emotional attachment pats on the back sensibility repute note popularity reputation sensitivity opinion sympathy value delirium passionateness vitality oomph peppiness power spiritedness intenseness sprightliness

Antonym of loving kindness

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