Synonym of native ability


Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness
gumption sense enterprise initiative acumen resourcefulness cleverness discernment nous shrewdness spirit wisdom astuteness common sense sagacity savvy wit get-up-and-go imagination imaginativeness ingenuity inventiveness practicality reason understanding ability backbone forcefulness nerve wits courage discreetness discretion grit levelheadedness mettle oomph pluck policy prudence sensibleness spunk common horse sense loaf native wit smarts commonsense industry judgement judgment mother wit perspicaciousness perspicacity sagaciousness good sense presence of mind intelligence insight judiciousness sharpness brains perception canniness perceptiveness sapience discrimination penetration intuition comprehension knowledge circumspection foresight acuity good judgment sharp-wittedness experience sageness intellect erudition percipience savoir faire sanity level-headedness rationality perceptivity enlightenment perspicuity quickness know-how thoughtfulness soundness sophistication awareness caution clear-sightedness consideration logic tact sound judgment clear thinking arguteness providence keenness smartness grasp genius reasoning vision forethought intuitiveness powers of reasoning good judgement acuteness poise wariness intellectuality capacity heedfulness tactfulness vigilance watchfulness capability good reasoning brilliance reasonableness learning cunning brightness intellection thought pragmatism pansophy balance ratiocination profundity incisiveness mentality coherence grey matter rationalness talent mind expertise skill foxiness knowingness caginess cageyness native intelligence dexterity flair cognition quick-wittedness information solidity stability apprehension lucidness lucidity maturity marbles care soundness of mind powers of discernment clear mind cognitive faculties logical thought sound mind scientific thinking proficiency farsightedness cool competence sensitivity sound judgement precaution hardheadedness artistry alertness practicability advisability mastery precocity brainpower adroitness deliberation precociousness knack brain finesse refinement moderation skillfulness faculty braininess esprit gift heed calculation gray matter depth plain sense profoundness creativity sense one was born with propriety originality rationale invention diplomacy practical intelligence creativeness inspiration carefulness saneness worldliness ingeniousness innovativeness chariness innovation sound reasoning deep insight insightfulness guardedness clear-headedness realism logicalness cogency logicality subtlety delicacy worldly wisdom prescience cognizance soundness of judgement concern responsibility warning considerateness solicitude observation attention aptness aptitude trenchancy kid gloves self-possession aplomb equanimity cop on sound sense sweet reason headpiece giftedness thinking outside the box intellectual capacity expertness mental capacity mental agility foresightedness the right stuff brain power mental acuity mental ability brain cells intellectual power what it takes IQ I.Q. quickness of mind planning anticipation bookishness learnedness artfulness masterfulness art suss deftness education artifice adeptness knowledgeableness craft skills premeditation prowess countenance assurance collectedness sangfroid calmness self-assurance self-control imperturbability provision qualifications qualification prevision professionalism efficiency forehandedness command forward planning fitness power quick wits unflappability composure authority technique training quick wit practice life skills practical knowledge distinction touch savoir-faire feasibility guile possibility usefulness utility viability workability use value good taste user-friendliness applicability helpfulness soberness head daylights taste appreciation instinct senses feeling consciousness nose healthy mind right mind separation deduction clearness gut reaction normality astucity faculties brainbox selectivity kop inclination grip receptiveness sensation ken upper storey sixth sense mental health sensibility susceptibility proclivity preference differentiation difference decision bias psyche cerebrum sensitiveness inference connection relationship selectiveness linkage thesis induction dialectic syllogism philosophy syllogistics accomplishment urge responsiveness intellectual capabilities familiarity divination cultivation apperception knowledgeability tendency conception impulse precision predisposition mental faculties acquaintance knowing function connoisseurship sentiment right-mindedness second sight schooling tuition ability to reason train of thought course of thought antithesis and synthesis balance of mind weightiness weight matter-of-factness argumentation nervousness sympathy reactiveness impressionability affectibility reactivity expedience deepness responsibleness pundit cerebration egghead expediency reasonability pate noggin noodle bean clarity desirability exercising judgment choosiness fussiness advisableness breadth of view fastidiousness demarcation discreteness soundness of judgment sense of taste desirableness intelligence quotient analysis ego subconscious good management mental age scholarship conversance instruction culturedness aestheticism culture rigor strictness rigour focus upper story nimbleness instinctiveness powers of thought sentience intimacy acquaintanceship powers of comprehension sense of responsibility accuracy openness receptivity bent facility readiness relevance link realization propensity potential assimilation decipherment vibes wholesomeness syllogistic reasoning good reason urbanity grace style manners elegance confidence visualisation realisation drive need compulsion chain of thought formal system capableness endowment wherewithal potentiality competency suitability finer feeling deep feeling emotional response take insight into turn means proficiency in visualization hold familiarity with grapple absorption expertise in digestion skill in firm grasp uptake acquaintance with natural inclination natural ability property forte predilection leaning quality right stuff strength knowing way around penchant physical ability clairvoyance social graces hunch reflex gut feeling funny feeling disposition inborn tendency natural tendency constitution nature character makeup idea natural feeling inherent tendency inner prompting foreknowledge flash surmise ESP social know-how innate knowledge extrasensory perception

Antonym of native ability

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