Synonym of thewiness


The power, energy or strength to accomplish a task
vigour vigor force power potency puissance strength energy firepower horsepower muscle potence sinew enterprise ferocity hardiness heartiness might robustness urgency ability action animation capability capacity determination lustiness pith thew toughness welly staying power muscularity brawn brawniness sturdiness powerfulness forcefulness beef stamina burliness punch mightiness stoutness clout beefiness brute force physical strength vim vitality ruggedness main huskiness manliness virility prowess steam influence sway verdure weight muscular strength potential strong arm hunkiness kick sock moxie soundness heftiness thewness stalwartness strongness effort intensity zip oomph peppiness punchiness arm tenacity nerve fury physical energy physical power physical might physical prowess bulkiness stockiness pull burn application hardihood sinews bulk meat healthiness powerful build service muscledom firmness stability edge efficiency guns weapons armaments arms munitions resistance efficacy body stableness physique security substance steadiness powerhouse fierceness verve vigorousness driving force acceleration endurance grunt physical ability athleticism valour authority command jurisdiction mastery competence valor domination forcibleness control hard power maleness impact pressure stress machismo manhood macho exertion impulse violence impetus stimulus momentum dynamism boyishness boyhood mannishness draft push brunt draught strain tension life trouble velocity masculinity pow stuff subjection speed

Antonym of thewiness

thewiness Idiom, Proverb

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